weekend update + series ending

this weekend was a bit busy.  I spoke in all 3 of our Junior High services…which went really great.  Bill Holbrook did wonderful leading volunteers so I wouldn’t have to worry about any of that.

my talk was on boundaries in dating. great subject for jh kids.

then sunday night came.  this time bill spoke in velocity, which was a nice break for me.  we wrapped up our “goin’ all the way” series with a talk on loneliness.  bill hit it out of the park.


our next series is called ‘red letters.’ watch the promo video here.

another key event this weekend:  i was given a free iPhone.  a volunteer decided to bless me with his 4G 1st generation iPhone.  i am now an AT&T customer.

i’m still reading crazy love and tribes

what i’m excited about:  like having an iPhone isn’t enough?!?  i’m excited to solidify our summer trips, as well as plan for our EMERGE weekend experience.

weekend update

friday was another relaxing day.  had the opportunity to go to the gym after work…which is pretty rare.  I settled in at my favorite coffee establishment and read “tribes.”

saturday started with me sleeping in.  awesome.  I really enjoyed the down time.  went to the gym again (trying to reach my goal).  then settled in at the aforementioned coffee place to edit some videos and put some work into my talk for Velocity.

sunday is sunday.  I get up. workout.  coffee shop.  church.  home.  sleep.  routine is good, reliable, steady.  I like routine.


book i’m in the midst of: still need to finish Tribes.  started Crazy Love, which I’m excited about.  also still reading The Blessed Life.

on my to-do-list this week: create the summer trips packet.  continue to dream up our local mission trip.  this is the first year Velocity will do something local instead of international.  with the economy the way it is, I thought it wise to stay cheap…this way families will have one less “stresser” in their life…and hopefully more students will be involved.

how I feel about this week: I am speaking in RustProof this upcoming weekend, so I am excited for the opporunity.  too often I don’t realize the impact of speaking in front students, which in turn doesn’t give me the drive I need to sit down and prepare the best talk possible.  workin’ on it.

blogs i’ve recently started following:

currently stressed about: the “scroll up” function on my apple mouse ball does not work.