By Faith…

was thinking today about all that we, as christians, believe.
conclusion:  we believe some pretty wacky stuff.

by faith we believe

that behind this created world is a loving creator
a virgin gave birth to God’s son, Jesus.
Jesus lived a perfect life (didn’t sin), died on a cross, and rose again.
that by rising again Jesus defeated death…so that we can live.
that anyone who calls on Jesus will be saved

that hell actually exists, and that it’s gonna suck
that Christians make up the Church.
that as the Church, we have access to the Holy Spirit.
that this is the same Holy Spirit that rose Jesus from the dead.
that through Jesus we are “adopted sons and daughters” into God’s family.

that the power we have (God in us) is greater than the power that’s in the world.
that Satan is really real and he’s really mean.
that the Bible is the only inspired word of God.
that one day the world as we know it will cease to exist.
that Jesus is coming to our world again…this time to reign forever.

that no matter what a person has done, Jesus loves them.
that he died for them.
that no one is beyond grace.
that anyone can be redeemed.

I believe all of that.

weekend in pics

well, it’s official.  i’m 26 years old.  saturday was the day.  it started out with a 9 mile run with my sister.  then my family had lunch at J. Alexanders…

we then hit up the 5:15p service at northridge church.  after that we saw Alice in Wonderland.

overall it was a great day.  on Sunday I woke up and started a full day of ministry.  check out these pics from RustProof Saline.  we played a kickin’ game using expired Hostess Cupcakes.

here’s a photo of the RustProof Saline crew celebrating our 26th week of ministry in Saline.

here’s to a great weekend…

Q & A with Kem Meyer + Book Giveaway!

today is the day.


i had the chance to ask Kem Meyer one question.  Kem is the author of less clutter, less noise … she has a passion to see organizations [especially the local church] market in a refreshing, relief-bringing way, instead of the chaotic way people are used to.

i’m also giving away a copy of her book to one lucky person.  all you gotta do to enter the drawing is comment your name and email addy below. increase your chances by commenting as many times as you like…i’ll count up to 5 of them.  now to the Q & A ~~>


ADAMWhat does the local church need to do to ensure they are not adding to the “noise” that is engulfing their congregation?

KEM:  Love this, Adam! Can you believe you are the ONLY one who asked this? Life is overwhelming enough as it is. Churches shouldn’t be piling more on top of an already mounting problem, especially when people are looking for answers that will make a difference. If the church is looking to be a credible source for those answers, here are ways it should be looking to help reduce that load.

Stick to the facts. Don’t over-sell, over-explain or over-control. Just provide the information someone needs to self-sort and self-decide. People don’t need a page on the philosophy of each ministry, activity or event. They do need to know who it’s for, what it is, when it happens and how to get there or sign up.

Stick to the point. Start with the end in mind before you’re about to do something. If you know the purpose behind your letter, brochure, meeting, etc., it makes it easier for you to stay on track and focused. Otherwise, it’s hard to recognize your own excess. Do you want people to show up or respond? What are you asking them to do? If you can’t answer that question easily, they won’t be able  to either.

Consider the crowd. Does your announcement (bulletin or verbal) apply to everyone or just a handful of people? If it’s not affecting the masses, it’s just going to land like dead weight. Don’t punish the crowd to keep a few people happy (even if they are the most vocal). Find a way to deliver your news in appropriate venues.

Don’t intrude. Unless they’ve asked for it, people welcome unsolicited emails as much as a door-to-door salesperson during family dinner. Respect personal space, and put information in a place easy for people to find when they want it.

According to a Fast Company magazine article, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states unequivocally that 80% of our medical expenditures are now stress-related.  Marketers have responded with superficial, tranquility promises: happiness in a perfume, peace in a lotion, focus in a drink, euphoria in a bubble bath, sex in a lip gloss, etc. The church’s response should be less complex, more authentic and, ultimately, life-giving— it’s as simple as dialing back the volume.


that’s all folks.  thanks to Kem Meyer for stopping by my blog.

don’t forget to comment your name and email for a chance to win the book!

Blog Contest


if you’ve ever ventured over to kem meyer’s blog, you know a few things.

1) she loves leadership 2) she loves the local church 3) she loves communication.

she wrote a book too.  it’s called “less clutter, less noise.”  you can see an interview about it here.

here’s the deal.  on may 29 I am going to be featuring Kem on this blog.  she’ll be answering a question of mine, and then i’ll give away a copy of her book to a reader.

all you need to do to enter to win the book is comment your name and email addy.

i know, i know…pretty kickin’ awesome.  see ya on the 29th.