(another) weekend update

has it been a week since i last posted?  wow.

well.  this last weekend was quite busy.  it started friday.  velocity decided to do the 30 Hour Famine that world vision hosts.  me and 35 other velocity staff and students started fasting around 7:00a on friday.  we got together, had some worship, played some games, slept at the church, served in detroit, then ended the fast at 1:00p saturday afternoon.  thanks to anne gardner we had a kickin’ “traditional” african meal.  overall we raised over $4,000 for world vision to help feed kids in africa.

then came velocity.

i gave the talk on “who do you say jesus is?” it was based off of peter’s confession in matthew 16:15 – “You are the Christ, son of the living God.”

for a creative element, we had two students spray paint both positive and negative views of jesus on to a large piece of muslin fabric (see pic) … after the talk, the band did three worship songs from behind the fabric…it was a powerful night of confession and worship of who jesus is.


Weekend Update

saturday was a relaxing day.  another one of those day that no work has to be done (on my part).  I took some time to read crazy love (haven’t finished it yet).  in MI it was a sunny 55 degrees (F) outside, so that made for a more cheerful attitude than usual.  tony tice spoke at northridge church saturday night…i enjoyed being challenged on being a person of truth 100% of the time.

sunday was a long day.  bill and i drove to the birmingham campus of kensington community church.  it was a great experience.  northridge is launching our first regional campus in saline, mi.  so it was great to see how other churches are doing the whole multi-site gig.

this pic is of the junior high group [breakaway].  they meet right outside of the cafeteriaimg_0063

this is the main auditorium [where the big people go to church]img_0068

*all pics were taken with my iPhone*

sunday night we had velocity.  it was a blast.  bill brought the talk – the main point was god gives rest.  whoa! did our students need to hear this one!!  i guess if bill and i are honest though, the talk was designed for him and i.  we have been going and going…we need to find rest in the God we’re serving!

i’m excited about teaching this next sunday.  the topic?  “who do you say jesus is?” gonna be sweet.

weekend update

saturday was one of those rare days where i had absolutely nothing to do.  and that’s exactly what i did.  nothing.  now, i had gone into the day wanting to get some reading done…i ended up catching up on some shows (namely 24, The Office, and Chuck).

in velocity we had our second week of “red letters.”  bill holbrook spoke…and he rocked it out.  we made a major announcement as well…bill is our new high school director.  i’ve been waiting for this transition to happen for a while, and now that it’s here, i can see momentum already starting to build.

we showed an announcement video.  we got the idea from josh griffin’s blog…until i post it (on tuesday) all i can say is that it involved a paintball gun.

weekend update

friday was another relaxing day.  had the opportunity to go to the gym after work…which is pretty rare.  I settled in at my favorite coffee establishment and read “tribes.”

saturday started with me sleeping in.  awesome.  I really enjoyed the down time.  went to the gym again (trying to reach my goal).  then settled in at the aforementioned coffee place to edit some videos and put some work into my talk for Velocity.

sunday is sunday.  I get up. workout.  coffee shop.  church.  home.  sleep.  routine is good, reliable, steady.  I like routine.


book i’m in the midst of: still need to finish Tribes.  started Crazy Love, which I’m excited about.  also still reading The Blessed Life.

on my to-do-list this week: create the summer trips packet.  continue to dream up our local mission trip.  this is the first year Velocity will do something local instead of international.  with the economy the way it is, I thought it wise to stay cheap…this way families will have one less “stresser” in their life…and hopefully more students will be involved.

how I feel about this week: I am speaking in RustProof this upcoming weekend, so I am excited for the opporunity.  too often I don’t realize the impact of speaking in front students, which in turn doesn’t give me the drive I need to sit down and prepare the best talk possible.  workin’ on it.

blogs i’ve recently started following:

currently stressed about: the “scroll up” function on my apple mouse ball does not work.

Weekend Update

friday: After a long of work I was able to snag some much needed “thinking” time.   I settled in at my favorite coffee establishment…read, blogged, thought, researched.  It was a great evening.

saturdays are great because I can sleep in a bit (9a).  I got a decent run in at the gym, worked on my message for Velocity, ate some lunch with some friends…then went to Huron Valley Hospital to celebrate the birth of Emery Daniella Collesano.  Check out Josh Collesano’s blog for pics and updates.

sunday:  Spent the morning putting final touches on my message.  Saw my parents for all of 5 minutes.  Went to church to start preparing for Velocity.

where I’m at:  plymouth…that rarely changes.

books I’m reading: Tribes, The Blessed Life, (soon to be) Crazy Love

this week: i need to finalize our spring retreat cost…this is becoming more stressful than i originally anticipated

looking forward to: researching and creating a talk about Love.

a movie i just recently saw was “Paul Blart: Mall Cop.”  I enjoy the comedy of Kevin James…from that perspective it was a good movie.  The overall storyline was definitely predictable … but it’s hard to find a movie that isn’t.